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How to Improve Your Website’s UX and Earn More Leads in 2020

Today, companies are adopting cutting-edge technologies and design practices to create more user-friendly websites and one-of-its-kind user experience. With the advent of AI, VR, user-generated content, graphic design tools, and web design techniques, every business is striving hard to come up with better and functional websites that help users to take the desired action.

Your business website serves as the most crucial element that can make or break your marketing and sales strategy. An awesome website that offers an out-of-the-box UX can boost conversions and engagement. Therefore, it is critical for every business, no matter how small or large, to create a website that provides a seamless user experience. Your brand’s website is a powerful marketing tool that allows visitors to find what they are looking for and persuades them to complete the action.

You only have a few seconds to engage with your website visitors and capture their attention. A killer website can strengthen your digital marketing efforts and allow you to reach more and new customers and leave a lasting impression. If you are planning to unlock your profit potential and achieve your sales goals in 2020, now is the time to invest your efforts, resources, and energy in designing a website that drives maximum user engagement and significantly boosts your conversion rate.

Here are a few out-of-the-box strategies your brand should follow in 2020 to improve UX and lead generating ability of your website.

Harness the Power of Motion Graphics

Adding motion graphics to your website design is an effective strategy that brands can utilize to capture the love and attention of more and more visitors. Using subtle animations will not only help you get users’ attention, but they will also guide users to take the desired action. Adding animations to your website is a great trick to make your website trendy and engaging while driving more traffic to your website. Whether you use kinetic typography, hover animations, or cinematographs, integrating motion into your website design will not only bring life to your company website, but it will also make users stay on your website.


Pipefy incorporates motion design in their hero section to attract more users and increase their stay on their website.

Incorporate More White Space


White space is not new in the design world. It is the most important element of a great website design that can help content, images, and CTA buttons to stand out on the page. White space, if used right, can make your website feel open, easy to use, and increase user attention by 20%. The breathing space it provides to your website can make your content readable and easy to understand. Using adequate website real estate can allow web designers to display the value proposition of your business and pull the attention of visitors to the CTA button.

Focus on Creating Easy Navigation

Like every other business, you also don’t want your visitors to leave your website and give your competitors a chance to make more sales. If so, then put your best efforts into making your website navigation as simple as possible. Whether you are an eCommerce store, SaaS business, or a real estate brand, simple navigation that helps users find what they are looking for can make them stay longer on your website. Web design company in Dubai like Dubai always strive hard to make your website easy-to-navigate and helps users to find what they are looking for.


Petersham Nurseries is a great example of website navigation. The website shows two navigation bars, one for their new customers and one for their members so that they can reach their destinations.

Persuasive CTAs Can Do Wonders


CTA buttons matter most to your website design and encourage users to take the intended action you want them to take. Using the right colors and action words can make your CTAs more persuasive and attractive. Creating, emotive and time-sensitive CTAs can help users to navigate your website and get exactly what they want. Choosing the right colors and action verbs can excite visitors to take the next step. So, provide your visitors with attractive CTAs and gain more conversions.

Make the Most of User-Generated Content

The visual appeal of your website plays an important role in making or breaking your brand’s image. Using high-quality catchy visuals is the key to a successful website. In fact, they can help you communicate with your audience on an emotional level. Using user-generated content such as product reviews and recommendations is a sensible idea as it truly shows that other people are using your services or products and you are a trustworthy brand.

If done right, UGC boosts website engagement and helps you build your brand image beyond your dreams. Leveraging the power of UGC to your website is critical to making people believe that you are providing high-quality products or services to your customers, which will help you drive more revenue and boost online trust and engagement with your brand.


Adobe is a great example of UGC that highlights creative artwork and designs of talented designers that keep them ahead of the race.

Mobile-Friendliness is the Key


To survive in this technological world, every business must have a mobile-friendly and easy to navigate website regardless of the type of device people use to access it. If you want to provide an out-of-the-box user experience and improve your website’s usability, creating a mobile website has now become an utmost need for every business. A professional web design agency can solve your problem of creating a mobile-friendly website or mobile app to generate maximum engagement and profits.

Bottom Line

In this fierce business world, where billions of websites are available to choose from, grabbing the attention of your target audience towards your business has now become a challenge. Creating a stellar website that offers a seamless UX and helps users to find what they are looking for can take your business towards new heights of success in 2020

If you want people to stay longer on your website, increase your conversion rate, and generate highly qualified leads, start following these out-of-the-box website design strategies. Hopefully, using these tips will turn your website into a lead generating machine and help you win more sales.

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