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Top 6 Most-Ignored Website Design Tips that can boost your sales in no-time

What is the first thing the interviewer notice when you enter the room? Is it the way you talk, or is it the way you dress? The first impression is your clothes. What you are wearing and how you are carrying yourself in those clothes?

In an interview, you are selling yourself to the company. But before you sell your skills, you need to sell your appearance. The way you look will impact your hiring decision.

A similar thing happens when a visitor land on your website. The thing that they see is how you’ve organized the website. Regardless of your personal achievements, if you don’t have an impressive web design, there is a high chance that visitors will not care about anything else and move to the next website.

The good thing is that you’ve come across this blog. In this blog, you’ll learn ways in which you can grab the attention of your visitors, and if you follow these tips vigorously, there is a chance that visitors will convert into customers in no-time.

1. Stock Images are bad

With the invention of the digital camera and high definition images, it is stupid to ignore the fact that the customers of today are more conscious about the images of the product. That’s why most of the visitors will straight away detect a stock image from a mile away.

For a first good impression, you must use real images of products. Even if you are offering a service, you must hire a professional photographer and shoot relevant HD images for your website.

Using high-quality images leaves a powerful impression on first time visitor. It shows seriousness about your brand.

2. Simple Headers rock big time

No visitor prefers a complex header. To increase sales, you must make it super-easy for the visitor to place an order on your website.

Whenever a new visitor lands on your website, they just need some signs to gain trust on your website. A customer support number, navigation links to categories, about us page and a testimonial page link.

If you can earn the trust of a customer right in that few seconds, it will be easy to drive the user to do business with you.

3. Load Fast or Get Lost

I am not being offensive or anything. I am sharing the reality.

One of the most daunting problems that Entrepreneurs face these days is a slow-loading website. As we all know that the attention span of users is getting low day by day.

In a world where thousands of websites appear on google search results each day, it is important that your website loads in the blink of an eye.

A great tool like Pingdom can help you figure out what is causing a delay in website speed. Once you figure that out, it’s easy to resolve the problems and move ahead with a fast, improved and simple website.

4. Engaging Content will steal the attention of visitors

At times you’ll get confused. How can two websites with a similar design attract different traffic? It’s because of content. One website is engaging more visitors than the other. People are loving the content of one website over others.

To grab the attention of a user you must use content to engage, build trust, and entice the visitors of your website. Good content can make visitors fall in love with your brand.

5. Make website mobile responsive

Do you know that more than 60% of people prefer to buy things from their smartphones?

If you want more sales, get people to love your mobile app. A responsive mobile feature will help people get more comfortable while buying from you.

It’s not a choice anymore. Brands with a mobile app are trusted more than with those that don’t own a mobile app.

Build trust, get more people to engage with you via your mobile app. Make it responsive, make it simple and this will make them speak good about your brand.

6. Super-Easy Navigation can help

Don’t let your customers think twice or get stuck while placing an order on your website.

Your goal should be to make it easy for visitors to do business with you. If the user is getting stuck on your website, it means that you need to simplify the navigation of the website.

If the users are spending more time on the shopping cart page or for some reason, they are not bypassing the product page, it means that there is some serious problem in your website.

A professional New York Web design agency will make it easy, even simpler for the visitor to find what they are looking for and place the order as fast as they can.

Skip the additional cost on the shipping page and show the complete breakdown of cost in the end. The visitor must know what you are charging and why?

Final Thoughts

It doesn’t matter if you are a Startup or a well-established business, if you don’t have an enticing website design, it will drive more people away and engage fewer visitors. And you don’t want to do it.

Your goal as a website owner or a marketer is to increase your engagement or bring more sales on your website. If the website design is not engaging, there is not a chance that visitors will turn into customers and even refer you to other people.

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