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Internet of Things and its Applications in Healthcare

In recent times, the world is getting aware of many new forms of diseases and viruses that our ancestors had never witnessed. The rise of chronic diseases and health complications converged with the complexities of the healthcare industry has led...

Lifting Heavy Loads – Common Source of Back Pain

Back pain can be debilitating and can hold you back from being the best of yourself at home, work and other places you ought to be productive at. This is a condition that can happen to anyone irrespective of their gender and age. Though as people...

How to Start a Business in a Competitive Market

Breaking into a new business isn’t an easy thing to plan, execute, handle, and finance. However, dreaming of a new business seems a bit easy. So, you can start by dreaming of starting a new business. Unfortunately, stepping a single step ahead of...

2 Easy Mindfulness Exercises You Can Try Today

The world has become a very busy place and people can’t find time for themselves to relax and sit down. Our mind is constantly engaged in scattered thoughts and emotions. These scattered thoughts and tensions create stress on our mind which is...

The Quick Guide to Dating Russian Women

Gone are the days when you have had traditional dating. It was very hard to find the right woman for you. Now the world has changed. International marriages have become a custom. This gives you an opportunity to marry a woman of any nationality you...

Head to Head Comparison between Photoshop vs Affinity Photo

Photo editing is very important to make photos look better as the raw images are not always great. When it comes to photo editing, you need a program that meets your editing needs as well as it is easy to use. There are many photo editing software...

8 Good Places to Volunteer in 2020

If you have extra time and you are not sure where you should spend your time, then why not consider spending some time in the community service? This will not only polish your talent and skills but also it will be a great addition to your resume. So...

Top 5 Countries for Volunteering in Africa

A continent as historically, culturally and geographically rich and diverse as Africa is a blessing for the world and for people who know how to appreciate diversity. With its savannahs, some of the highest mountains in the world, “The African Big...