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8 Good Places to Volunteer in 2020

If you have extra time and you are not sure where you should spend your time, then why not consider spending some time in the community service? This will not only polish your talent and skills but also it will be a great addition to your resume.

So if you have extra time then start looking for volunteer programs and serve the community. Don’t worry about your previous experience as following volunteer opportunities do not require any previous experience.

1. Animal Rescue Shelters

If you love spending time with animals then look for local animal shelters. These animal shelters are always looking for volunteers. Make some connections with the staff by communicating the phone or email. Later on, you can even turn this volunteering opportunity into a full-time job.

2. National Parks

Working as a volunteer at a national park does not mean that you have to clean up litter. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to explore amazing historical sites maintained by the National Park Service. This is an amazing opportunity for naturalists and the people who are interested in history.

3. Food Pantries

If you want to help people who need food then you can become a helping hand at food pantries. You can help them in many ways like office work, distributing food or even cooking. It is a great thing to have on your resume if you are planning to join the food-related business.

4. Habitat for Humanity

It is a wonderful volunteering opportunity offered by Habitat for Humanity for those who have an interest in experiencing the home repair and building maintenance. You can learn some construction skills. This volunteering experience will boost your team building and leadership skills.

5. Local Libraries

Local libraries offer volunteering opportunities as they typically need help organizing shelves and assisting patrons. Libraries also need help in setting up and running public events, such as author signings and book fairs. You simply need to visit and ask your local library if you can help design flyers or copyedit ads and put that experience on your resume.

6. Art Museums

If you are inclined towards art then working in an art museum will be a valuable experience. You will be able to see plenty of artwork and learn new things. You can volunteer and learn administrative skills at the same time.

7. Political Campaigns

If you have a passion for politics then you can volunteer by supporting your local candidate which you think is good. It is one of the best opportunities to build relationships with new people. You can contribute by manning the phones, distributing fliers, raising money, and answering emails.

8. Retirement Homes

If you are good at public speaking or have good teaching skills then consider teaching the retirees some new skills at retirement homes. You can develop a program of your own choice which will polish your skills. You can teach your senior citizens about the basics of the latest technology.

Volunteering is the best way to utilize your extra time. It is not only a service to the community but also a great addition to your skills arsenal.

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