lang="en-US" prefix="og:" class="no-js no-svg"> Why Hubspot CMS may be a better option than Wordpress CMS - Antthemes

Why Hubspot CMS may be a better option than WordPress CMS

In today’s digital era your website is so important. Today’s almost every buyer want to see out your company’s online presence. They can judge you on your products/solutions through your content, blogs, eBooks and videos.

Does your website offer an awesome user experience? Does your website provide top quality content with calls-to-action? Is your website easy to navigate? If your website is unappealing and hard to seek out the knowledge visitors are trying to find, they’re going to presumably leave your site.

If you don’t have an internet presence in the least or if your current website is outdated, visitors aren’t getting to engage and become new customers.

It is often overwhelming to make a decision what platform to create your website on. Consider the facts and goals of your business.

Hubspot CMS

Hubspot Content Management System (CMS) manages all of your content in one place. It’s a totally integrated platform to contain your content, including the creation of landing pages, blog entries, site pages and email campaigns.

No more hassle using several tools and logins to urge the foremost out of your marketing. Hubspot is a beat one inbound marketing tool to grow your online presence and successively get more customers. Let’s get right down to the small print and therefore the top benefits of building or moving your website to Hubspot.

Custom Web Design

You can able to use hubspot web design templates otherwise you can customize them to suit your need for website. You’ll also use smart content to personalize the content users see supported their previous interactions on your site.

Better Content Integration

The Hubspot CMS platform connects everything you’ll need for your marketing efforts including:

  • Email Marketing
  • Lead Generation
  • Social Media Scheduling
  • Blog Posting
  • Website Analytics
  • Reporting
  • Sales Integration

Sales and marketing work together to offer quick insight on internet site visitor’s history and the way they need interacted together with your brand. Sales CRM all team members to understand exactly where all clients are at within the sales process, which helps close more deals faster and more efficiently.

You only need to log in to at least one place to access all of those tools necessary to grow your website and ultimately increase your revenue.

If you’re third party marketing software like Mailchimp, Shopify or Eventbrite, you can easily integrate them to your Hubspot CMS platform.

Website SEO

You can fully optimize your website for Google search queries. Hubspot has transitioned to pillar pages and topic clusters to rise build searchable content on your site. You’ll read more about how pillar pages are important for your marketing strategy.

Hubspot is usually refining their platform and tools to remain on top of the newest trends in digital marketing so that it coincides with Google’s updated algorithm.

Improved Lead Conversion

It has the best lead conversion tool including landing pages with forms. You can further sort out these contacts into specific lists and marketing automation system. This enables you to line up fully automated email campaigns to be sent to potential customers.

Performance Analytics

This platform provides web page performance analytics, blog analytics, reporting and tracks complete customer activities through analytics. So you can use performance analytics for marketing purposes to eventually increase your revenue.


Now as you can see some of the highlights of using the Hubspot CMS platform, now I am going deeper into the web site design.

Hubspot provides several free templates also as premium yet affordable templates. You just start customizing content and inserting images and text into them. However, it is better to understand HTML and CSS to customize items like typefaces and colors so that it can relate to your website design or brand for that matter.

Hubspot CMS made while keeping mobile optimization in mind. Regardless of the device you’re using, your website will be user-friendly.

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