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Top 5 Secrets to Instagram Success

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media networks with over a billion active monthly users. Many online and offline businesses are taking advantage of this awesome social media platform by advertising their products and services.
 It is not as easy as you might think as it needs a comprehensive Instagram marketing strategy to get maximum out of it.
 In this article, we will discuss the top 5 secrets of Instagram’s success. So, let’s get started with the first one.

1. Plan Out Your Content Strategy

Instagram content is not just about posting photos and videos, you need to carefully make your Instagram content strategy.

Before you create a strategy, go to your top competitors’ Instagram accounts. Make a list of their top posts where most audiences engaged. This is not about copying their posts. This is just to get an idea of what people love to see.

Now based on your research, create a content strategy that contains similar content to your competitors’ most popular posts. Make sure you use recommended image sizes for Instagram posts.

Make your content as unique as possible. This task might seem hard but it is the recipe to success.

2. Use Branded Hashtags

As a business, your ultimate goal should be building a powerful brand online. You need to use branded hashtags in order to create a wide range of brand awareness.

Using too promotional hashtags will negatively impact your followers base as according to a research 57% of users unfollow brands because they use too promotional hashtags.

You can easily overcome this issue by using the branded hashtags. This will make your hashtags unique, branded and memorable as well.

3. Have a Call to Action

Your ultimate objective of a social media post is to drive the users to your website or generate a customer.

You have created a wonderful post and added branded hashtags, that’s awesome. But what is next? How your customers will know the next step?

Here comes the call to action. You need to add an appropriate call to action in order to take your users to the next step.

Users in the US can now tag the products in the Instagram post and by clicking on the tag, the user directly lands on the product page.

Adding an appropriate call to action will increase your conversion and will help you to boost your sales. And yes, don’t forget to add the link in the bio for the call the action you mentioned in the post.

4. Engage With Instagram Users

If you are building a new brand on Instagram then you need to take small steps in order to get a huge success.

At the start, you might have a few followers but don’t worry you can always Instagram followers in order to get a quick start.

Once you have followers, now it is time to interact with them. Answer their messages and reply to their comments. If they are producing content the same as yours, then follow them back.

Don’t use robotic replies as it will ruin your trust. Send them personalized messages and replies in order to build a trustworthy relationship.

5. Connect With Influencers

In order to become successful quickly, you need to connect with the people who are already successful on the horizon of Instagram.

It may take you years before you can build your audience as big as your influencers. So why not take leverage of their audience and generate some business?

According to Polite Promotions Sydney, knowing and Cultivating relationships with brand fans and brand ambassadors is a powerful way to reach a hyper-targeted audience. All you need is to find your niche related influencers and connect with them. You can promote your products or services through them. You can promote your products or services through them.

If you know any other secret of Instagram success then do let us know in the comments section below.

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