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7 Simple Typography Tips to Follow in Web Design

Design and communication go hand in hand in the online world and text is the best form of communication. You’ve probably noticed a rise in the use of graphics on websites. However, they aren’t as effective in getting a clear message across, like text does. 

When it comes to text, typography plays an important role. So much so that picking poor typography can turn visitors away from your website. It affects user experience (UX) and you want to make sure your site is optimized for UX. The best freelance web designer Singapore offers the following tips that will help ensure the text on your website makes reading effortless and pleasurable for visitors. 

Limit the type of fonts used to a minimum

Uniformity is important in a design, especially if you are trying to establish a brand for your business. Using multiple types of fonts on your website makes it appear unstructured and takes away from your brand. It also makes it difficult for readers to follow the text on the page. 

Ideally, you want to stick to using the same type of font throughout the website. Fonts such as Verdana, Baskerville, and Arial are the top choice for websites. If you do decide to use different fonts, limit your selection to no more than two and make sure the fonts complement each other. For example, don’t pair Baskerville, which has thin lines, with Impact, a bold font. 

Stick to the standard

You can find tons of custom, cool fonts on platforms such as Typekit. The fonts will certainly make your website stand out but take away from the content. 

Using custom fonts distract readers from the main focus of the site, the content. Instead, they are mesmerized by the font itself, thinking about the design. This is why you find the majority of websites sticking to the standard fonts. They keep the focus on the content, so the reader gets the information they want. 

Pick a typeface that reads well in various sizes

Users will be accessing your website from different devices with different screen sizes. The smaller the screen, the smaller the font size. Therefore, the typeface you select needs to be legible in all sizes. Stay clear from using cursive script font or something too bold, since these get difficult to read in smaller font sizes. 

Most standard fonts are thin and readable in all sizes, so stick to them.

Stay clear from using all caps

The majority of readers skim through the content on websites. You want to make this process easy for them. Trying to skim through text that is in all capital is not easy. Our eyes are not used to it. By making your content all caps, you discourage readers to skim through the information, picking up what is important for them. In doing so, most will be put off by the website.

Ensure the font and background colors contrast

The color you use for the text and background should be completely different. Most websites feature a white background with black text and vice versa because black stands out on white. The contrasting ratio between the two makes it easy for users to read. 

So, if you decide to have a colored background, make sure the text color you choose is readable on it. To ensure this, test it out with real users on different devices. Before the website goes live, share the link with family and friends to get their feedback. 

Keep individuals with color blindness in mind

There are more people with color blindness than you think. It affects men more than women and approximately 8% of men have it. Red and green color blindness is the most common form. If you were to use the two colors for your text, you could potentially lose out on customers because of the fact that they couldn’t read the content on your site.  

Avoid blinking text

The purpose of your website is to inform visitors, not annoy them. Texts that flickers or flashes may seem cool but it makes it difficult for visitors to read them. Not just that, they also can trigger seizures. Therefore, avoid them at all costs. 

Final thought

Typography is a bigger deal than most website owners think. Bad typography makes reading difficult and distracts readers. Ultimately, driving them away from your website

The font you select should be legible and understandable. In fact, it should make it easier for visitors to read the content, so much so that they can skim through it. The last thing you want is to have them add to their cognitive load, trying to figure out what the text says. 

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