lang="en-US" prefix="og:" class="no-js no-svg"> Recipe for Creating an Outstanding eCommerce Website Design - Antthemes

Recipe for Creating an Outstanding eCommerce Website Design

If you are planning to start a new e-commerce store then you need a unique and creative website in order to stand out in this hyper-competitive environment.

There are tons of websites selling the same products as yours. You have to be creative in order to seek the attention of the website visitors and convert them into customers.

In this article, we will discuss the elements which will help you to think of ecommerce web design ideas.

1. Keep it simple but Scalable

While trying to be creative you may over-complicate the design. You need to keep the design as simple as possible.

When you have more elements on a page than there are more chances to divert the visitor’s attention. More banners, pop-ups and other elements may distract the visitors and your conversion rate may drop.

In order to avoid such circumstances, you should always keep the design as simple as possible.

Your website should be scalable despite being simple. For example if you are providing “Print on Demand” service then you should be able to get customers’ designs through a file upload widget.  Your website should be flexible enough to do such changes.

2. Make branding a priority

When you are running an online business, branding becomes vital. It like DNA for your online store. It differentiates your business from your competitors.

People prefer buying from established brands and not from faceless ecommerce stores as they fear that their credit card information can be stolen.

It is the branding that will bring you to repeat customers and establish your name in the market.

In order to build a strong brand, you need to ask the following questions to yourself:

  • If my brand was a person, who would it be?
  • If I had to describe my brand in three words, what would they be?
  • What makes my brand different from other ecommerce shops out there?
  • What do we do better than anyone else on the market?

Once you know the answers, now it is time to build a strong brand strategy and implement it on the website.

3. Think like a website visitor

The ultimate objective of your eCommerce store is to generate sales and increase profit. If you really want to achieve that then you need to provide the best user experience on your site.

A website that is easy to navigate and offers a straightforward shopping process. Think like a website visitor and figure out what you would love to see on the website. If you really want to be successful then you need to take care of such things.

4. Use color to your advantage

Color is a very powerful tool that you can use to your advantage. You need to understand the psychology behind colors. Don’t design your website based on your personal color preference.

You need to know that different colors can inspire different feelings, emotions, and actions from people—so, if you want more conversions on your site, you need to use those color inspirations to your advantage.

5. Use high-quality images

A recent study shows that quality images on an ecommerce website increase the conversion rate by over 40%. Customers really want to see what they are buying. Show them the best high-quality images of the products on your website.

Using poor images on your website will not give a clear idea about the product and your conversion rate will drop. Use professional images with high resolution. Make sure your website is loading fast too.

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