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How to turn your website into a digital selling machine

The purpose of building a website is to promote your products and services. In the recent era of digitalization the competition is increasing day by day and in the field of e-commerce all aspects of sales and marketing based on the website so website owner must make his website attractive and efficient which will able to attract the customers, keep them exploring the website and ultimately able to close the deal. An e-commerce business website should be considered as a selling machine.

Website for B2B and B2C businesses

In above-said process is easy to understand but it becomes challenging while implementing on a website. If your website is less responsive or taking time while exploring by a customer you may lose a lead and a potential customer furthermore you may also lose future deals of that customer.

In simple words, if your business is Business to Business (B2B) or Business to customer (B2C) and you don’t have a website or have an inactive website you are missing out on loads of business. Resultantly it will affect your sales as well as your business reputations.

You should need to find the right partner or a web design agency to do your web design and development but to be your digital sales partner. Plenty of web development and SEO services provider is available in the industry but hiring the right one is very challenging 

Some firms and people have a very attractive past profile but do your homework. They have different methods and strategies to increase sales and traffic on your website temporarily but after a while bubble will be busted and it will affect the ranking of your website.

Website UI/UX Design

A good UI/UX has positive benefits for business websites. It’s common saying that a first impression is the last impression. When a visitor interacts with your website first time a good UI/UX can inspire him and make him explore more on your website it will increase engagement time on your website.

The increased visiting average engagement time and sales go hand in hand with having a captivating website to a guaranteed enjoyable experience. If your website has an amazing User Interface (UI) and User Experience, it will be easy to make it a selling machine.  The user gets inspired by the UI and UX even before going deep into the content.

Website Branding

Website and social media branding are fundamental for marketing, there are lots of times you need print materials to make a great real-world impression. Your webpage design brand color should be attractive and matching that can print impression in visitors mind within 15 seconds, because 15 seconds is the average impression time of customers that they spend on each website.

Website Accessibility

The accessibility of your website from mobile is measure as you how much your website is responsive for mobile users. Smartphone usage is increasing day by day and it is very important for a website that is should be accessible and have interactive for the mobile phone user. if your website makes any difficulty from a mobile phone while loading page or booking order the visitor will immediately leave the deal incomplete and switch to a competitor website that is mobile user friendly. 

Website SEO

SEO has a key role in any online business including E-Commerce business. If you have amazing products and services but due to lake of organic website ranking and SEO users will not be able to get land at your website, simply because of search engine ranking. The landing page as well as your complete website should be perfectly optimized with SEO to drive traffic and you should also apply the right techniques to drive traffic.

If the landing page of your website is not responsive and have a slow landing speed, no matter what you have done, your visitors are going back as soon as they click on the link. Your bounce rate is killing your business. So, landing page speed matters a lot.

As per a Google survey if your page is delayed 0.5 seconds it will lose almost 20% traffic. Furthermore, it lasts for 3 seconds then 50% of traffic already will go.

Keeping the above in mind you should keep an eye on the SEO of your website and also frequently check website page loading performance to have a better result in search engines.

Final Thoughts

Making your website a sale machine you have to focus on its all aspects and keep monitoring continuously to archive optimum level. Just don’t automatically hire anyone because they claim to specialize in your industry. Compare prices, compare portfolios, other factors which are discussed above, and if there’s ever any doubt, always choose the right one who can turn your site into a vicious sales machine.

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