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How to Market Your Locksmithing Services

1. Set Up Shop

Once you’ve determined that you want to run a locksmith business, it’s time to set up shop. First, you’ll need to buy tools. Next, you’ll need to purchase a van or truck. Then, you’ll need to install locks and keys. Finally, you’ll need to stock up on supplies.

2. Make sure you have a website

The first thing you need to do is make sure you have a locksmithing website. You should create a website where people can find out about your business and what you offer. If you don’t have a website yet, then you should start making one right now!

3. Create a Facebook page

You should also set up a Facebook page for your business. People use Facebook to keep up-to-date with their friends’ lives, so if they want to know about your business, they’ll go to Facebook.

4. Start posting regularly

Once you’ve created a website and Facebook page, you’re going to want to post regularly. Post pictures of your work, answer questions, and talk about how awesome your business is.

5. Get reviews

If you get good reviews, people will trust you more. So, ask your customers to leave feedback after each job.

6. Use social media marketing

Social media marketing is great way to advertise your business. You can share links to your website and Facebook page, and tell your followers about any special offers or discounts.

7. Offer discounts

Offering discounts is a great way to attract new customers. You could give away freebies, like lanyards or pens.

8. Have a newsletter

A newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with your clients. Send them information about upcoming events, promotions, and news.

9. Master Locksmith License

A master locksmith license is required to perform certain tasks. These tasks include rekeying locks, installing security systems, and performing home inspections. Publish your license online and place it somewhere visible in your store.

10. Offer Free Consultations

When someone calls you about a problem with their lock, you’ll want to offer them a free consultation. This way, you can determine exactly what the problem is and give them a quote for fixing it. When someone comes to you for a free consultation, they’re already interested in hiring you.

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