lang="en-US" prefix="og:" class="no-js no-svg"> 10 Best WordPress Ad Management Plugins 2018 - Antthemes

10 Best WordPress Ad Management Plugins 2018

If you are looking for best ad management WordPress plugins then you are at right place. Here is the best collection of top advertising management WordPress plugins to intelligently place ads on your website and get the maximum outcome from your monetization strategies.

Out of many monetization methods available for webmasters, the advertising is considered the best and the easiest way to make money from your blog or website. If you have very less or no coding knowledge then you can place and manage the ads using these ad management plugins. You can also choose the Adsense Optimized WordPress theme for this purpose for builtin ad management function.

Now let’s have a look at the features of each of the advertising plugins so that you can decide which one better fits your business needs or advertising strategies.


adsanity ad management plugin

AdSanity is a lightweight WordPress plugin which allows the webmasters to create and manage ads on their websites. The plugin is very easy to set up and use and users can create unlimited ads and manage them in categories. You can manage the placement of the ads via custom widgets and display ads on your desired location on the website. The plugin also provides the detailed statistics of page views and clicks on the ads. There are two types of ad publishing are available. The first one is date based on which ads are shown for a certain period of time and the second one is infinite ads. The other features include the graphical view of the reports and add-ons available to extend the functionality of the plugin.  




adrotate advertising plugin

AdRotate is free WordPress banner management plugin which you can use to place ads anywhere on your website. This plugin can be used for both self-hosted ads and the advertising networks. This plugin also provides detailed reports so that you can analyze that which ad group is performing better and choose a better strategy. The pro version of the plugin provides amazing features like geotargeting, ads scheduling, mobile advertising management and many more.



OIO Publisher

oiopublisher plugin

OIO is a powerful Ad Managers which allows you to create your own advertising function on the website. You can automate the whole advertising process on your website by using this plugin. Advertisers will be able to choose an advertising location from the frontend, make payment, and place the ad. You can manage all the aspects of ads from the backend of your website. Alongside your own ads, you can also use third-party networks like Google Adsense, Yahoo, and other related networks.



Insert Post Ads

insertpostads ads plugin

This plugin will help you to generate higher CTR on your ads as you can place the ads in high visibility areas on your website using this handy ads management plugin. As the name suggests, this plugin is used to insert the ads inside the post content. This will result in higher CTR and more revenues from your advertising strategies. You can automatically insert third-party advertising codes at any location using this plugin. You choose the type of page like posts, pages, categories, and tags for inserting the code. You can choose to place the ads before the post, after the post, and after a certain number of paragraphs. 



Ad Inserter

adinserter plugin

Ad inserter is an advanced advertising management plugin which supports multiple ad types including Google Adsense, Amazon links, Amazon native shopping links and rotating banners. There are 16 ad blocks in this plugin and it provides the webmasters a CSS preview in the dashboard. The ads locations supported are before and after posts, before and after a paragraph, before and after a number of paragraphs, before and after comments, and before and after the excerpt. The advanced features include the ad rotation, sticky ad widget, and ad blocker detection. You can get more features by getting the premium version of the plugin. 



Quick Adsense

quickadsense wordpress plugin

Quick Adsense is an amazing ads management plugin which offers the easiest way to add an ad or other code in your website or a blog. You can choose from a range of options for ad placements. For example, you can choose to place ads randomly inside the article or you can specify a place where you want to display your ads. Placing ads randomly is a good way to test the ad performance. There are a lot of features which makes this plugin one of the best choices when it comes to the advertising on the website.


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