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AMP For WordPress

Website page speed is an essential factor when it comes to website high ranking on Google search engine results. Your website will not rank on the first page if it is not par with the top organic pages. Good web design companies like Serpmart, a Web design Fresno company, take care of these things right from the start of web development process.

And we know the fact that most search engine users won’t simply click on the second-page option. Thus, focusing on page speed is vital to have an efficient website that can be easily achieved with AMP. Other than google ranking, page speed provides visitors with a much better user experience.

However, if the loading time of a web page increases, then the bouncing of visitors will likely be increased. The probability of bounce is 32% if page load time takes 1s to 3s, 90% if it goes to 5s, and if load time takes 10s, then the probability of bounce is 123%. So, it becomes a challenge, especially if you are working on WordPress.


Google Page Speed Insight and WordPress

It is quite tricky to speed up WordPress as it is not the fastest platform out there. WordPress websites have an impressive Desktop score in Google page-speed test but function poorly in the mobile test with a below-average score. The way third party plugins operate and scripts are enqueued can make page speed somewhat a nightmare.

Now, Google is working on making the default behavior of mobile-first indexing for its search engine. With the mobile-first indexing, the Google Search engine mainly uses the mobile content of the page to create its search ranking and index. It means that if your website has a decent score, only then the desktop version will have a good chance of being displayed in the search results. So, it might be the time to start implementing AMP for your WordPress site.

In 2016, Google announced this initiative, and by September 2020, it will be the default behavior for all websites. After performing some small tests, the company is using the mobile-first indexing for most of the web pages that appear in the search result. Today it’s almost 70% pages.

According to Google, most of the websites are ready to adopt this system, but still, website owners will occasionally see Google crawling in the coming months. Now the company will use two different crawlers.

  • One that will look like a Chromium version and will use for the desktop sites
  • The other one will identify itself using mobile smartphone user-agent.

Website owners will frequently see the mobile agent for the most part.


AMP Plugin For WordPress

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a system that is developed to speed up the page loading on mobile devices. It is backed and officially integrated into the mobile search result of Google, thus often stated to as Google AMP.

Focusing on page speed pays off. Using AMP for WordPress can load the web page 3-4 times faster as compared to the standard ones. Partial performance improvement in speed is due to the reduced content delivery.

There are two ways AMP speed up the website. First, it adds some restrictions by streamlining the page on the web tech of the user. Though it somewhat limits the user what they can do with pages, those restrictions are not very difficult. These consist of:

  • Allowing the only JavaScript to avoid slowing the rendering speed of the page.
  • AMP makes all resources size statistically, such as ads, images instead of dynamically.

In Google search engine results, AMP web pages get the special designation, so go ahead and install AMP Plugin for WordPress Website. Find more information about AMP at

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