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7 Things To Keep In Mind While Designing A Website

Online presence is vital for the success of any business. You need to have a website which gives you business a competitive edge over your competitors. There are many factors which you need to take care of in order to have a website which helps you to take your business to the next level.

Here are the top things that you need to keep in mind while designing and developing your business website.

1. A Responsive Web Design

There are tons of mobile devices out there with a range of screen sizes. Now almost every mobile device has access to the internet. In fact, websites get more traffic from mobile devices than desktop.

Due to this reason, your website must be responsive and mobile-friendly and it should look equally good on all devices of all screen sizes. If your website is not mobile-friendly then the majority of your customers will jump to your competitor’s website.

Hire an agency like Scottsdale Web Design which is aware of all the latest web design trends and their impacts on search engine optimization.

2. Branding – Logo, Font, Colors

One of your primary objectives of creating your website is to establish your brand identity. According to research, 66% of the people will buy more from a website providing a better branding experience. It is important to carefully use your company’s logo and use the best fonts and colors.

3. Image Quality

Images contribute a lot in the overall look of your website as well as in building trust. If you have been using generic photos from the internet on your website then probably you were doing the wrong. Use your own professional and high-quality images on your website to create an impact.

Images become even more important when it comes to eCommerce websites. Your products are likely to sell more with better quality images of the products.

4. A Right Content Management System

It is very important to choose the right platform for your website. A complex CMS for a simple website may lead to loads of work. Similarly, you need to choose a secure platform for your e-commerce websites. You can check the detailed reviews of different platforms and CMS at Webpage Scientist.

5. Prominent Display of Contact Details

Showing important contact details like phone number and other contact details on your website establishes your trustworthiness as a brand. People will not consider your product or services if the contact details are not there on the website.

6. Attention-Grabbing Headlines, Great Copy

When it comes to the elements which make a website perfect, the content is the king of all elements. Make sure you use unique and high-quality content on your website. It will not only improve the user experience but also it will improve your rankings in search engine.

7. Make Sure Your Website is GDPR Compliant

If your website is getting visitors from the EU and you are collecting personal data like email and phone number then you need to make sure your website is GDPR compliant. You can learn more about how to make your website GDPR compliant Here.

You need to make your website GDPR‌ compliant if your visitors are from the EU. If you don’t follow GDPR guidelines you may face heavy fines.

These are the things that you need to keep in mind while developing a new website or upgrading an existing one.

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