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10 Web Design Tips for better Customer Conversion

Every business owner wants his/her website encourages visitors to either buy or contact. This is often simply called as customer conversion. If your website features a lot of traffic but few conversions, then you would like to work it out as why it’s happening.

There are many factors may contribute to the matter. Web design can have a strong impact on buyers and their choices. Approximately about 75 percent of users will judge your brand credibility supported your website design as studies revealed.

Here are 10 web design tips for better conversion and must be consider when evaluating your website design to yield the best results.

1. Consistent branding everywhere

Consistent branding can increase revenue by up to 23 percent as experts say. Plus, a similar visual identity across every other platform and device including your own website will help in creating a brand that buyers enjoy engaging with, leading them to require to interact with you over and over and once again .

This cohesive visual identity is sort of easy to breed. The best website designs have recognizable color palette, imagery that gives value and knowledge to users, consistent typography and a subtle branding on each page of the web site — often within the sort of a watermark-like logo.

2. Clear calls to action

Your web design should have clear calls to action, even after they need found their thanks to your online site, some consumers won’t know the action you would like them to require until you create it crystal clear with direct language and calls to action.

To maximize the UX design — and effectiveness — of a CTA button, there are a couple of rules to measure by:

  • Make buttons large and fully clickable — don’t just believe the text within the button
  • Write clear, easy to know messaging. This will be playful and on-brand, but most significantly, users should immediately understand what is going to happen once they click the button.
  • The font itself should be readable and enormous — now’s not the time to play with any trendy, swirling fonts you’ll have recently discovered. Stick with simple sans-serif typography.

3. Create for customer not for designers

At the top of the day, an internet site isn’t for designers or a corporation — it’s for the consumers. Therefore, before adding any features or implementing any changes, designers should rehearse what meaning for the user experience and customer journey, first.

4. Visual Appearance

Product videos usually increase sales and conversions. B2B or service-based companies’ also using video to share their products and stories.

5. Easy to use

Put the foremost important information first. Don’t force people to scroll and search for what they need. Create simple menu so users can find items that aren’t on the primary page.

6. Use of Trust symbols

Testimonials and Badges from Yelp (or other review sites) and PayPal’s certification logo are examples for trust symbols and purpose, and you’ll showcase these also. Your goal is to form sure your potential buyer feels as if he or she will trust you to supply an honest experience or product.

7. Free promotional offers

If you’re offering free item, confirm to use the word “free” comes through loud and clear. What are some reasons someone wouldn’t buy from you? Your website also should explain how you proactively fulfill customer needs and address issues.

8. Use Short forms

Potential customers don’t want to give you their city, state, last name, pet’s name and 6 other pieces of data just to attain that free download. Keep it short

9. Online chat

More people than ever prefer a fast online chat while they browse to learning the phone and handling an options menu. They don’t want to talk, they know the choice exists.

10. Avoid White space

A cluttered webpage looks ugly and feels cramped. Too many elements can confuse people and switch them away.


As web-design standards are proven and vary from every industry and business somehow. Those businesses which are successful they continue testing and making small changes on their website when needed accordingly. Ultimately, investing in user experience design will provide a robust return on investment down the road. You need to choose a perfect web design firm like Web design Abu Dhabi to get this job done.

Of course, there are always other improvements which will improve UX, like fast loading time and site speed, strong SEO, and integrated content marketing and videos. But by listening to the customer journey on every device, creating intuitive navigation and that specialize in clear messaging and calls to action, you’ll dazzle consumers with a pleasing interaction and keep them returning for more.

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