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Why Web Design Matters For Every Business

The website is an important part of the online market presence for any business. 66% of the people who browse any website are likely to engage with an appealing site in terms of colour, layout, text and graphics as opposed to plain text. Sadly, many websites are either poorly designed or are templates from WordPress or This makes it hard for them to stand out from the competition.

A well-designed website has many advantages than disadvantages. The impression a user gets can turn them into a customer or turn them away.

4 Reasons why great website design is important.

1. A great first impression.

A great first impression is important because that’s how the users perceive a brand. 94% of those impressions are related to the design of your website. According to the digital influence index, 89%  search the web before deciding the purchase. Also, 75% decide on the credibility of the business by their website design according to the Stanford web credibility report.

Unappealing and outdated website design will give a negative impression and turn away potential customers to a competitor’s website. A good quality website helps to keep useful leads on your site. It also helps build trust with the user.

2. It helps with the SEO strategy for the website.

It’s important for every business website to rank high on Google or other search engines like Bing. Users search for relevant keywords. The site with the most relevant keywords will rank high. To do this, on-page SEO is important.

The website design and elements must allow for the publishing of relevant content. Failure to which, the site won’t be able to rank high. It will be difficult for search engines to crawl and index content on their site. Also, the code has to be SEO friendly since some elements on the code can work against themselves.

Consulting a professional developer is advisable if not familiar with the code.

3. It creates consistency with your brand.

Online consistency across web pages is important for building brands. By using the same fonts, style, color, and layouts make the site look more professional. These come in handy if looking for more leads and building a brand. The users can identify with you and can consider you while making a purchase decision.

Unprofessional sites can turn away serious leads. They are unable to identify with your brand. They will move to more professionally looking sites.

4. Have a unique mobile experience.

Great web design has to be mobile responsive. 60% of all site traffic comes from mobile users.  Ensuring that the website is tailor-made for mobile use is a great investment. Reasons: 30% of all mobile searches are related to location.  There are more mobile users than desktop users. users can call directly from their mobile phones. Users can click to text on mobile phones.


Great web design doesn’t mean it has to look good but rather the user experience and usability have to be flawless. This is important to convert your visitors into customers. A great first impression is what keeps the visitors on your site for longer. Ensuring that visitors feel welcomed and appealed to click and read through your site is valuable.  Also, the website design should be easy to publish content to improve the SEO of your site. Also, avoid the use of website templates from WordPress and and rather consult a professional web designer for a unique website that will help stand out from the competition.

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