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Top Ten Tips for Small Business Website Design

Most people will choose a cheaper deal and lose the quality of the process and all the benefits associated with great website design.  In many ways, you can find out the best design of your website for yourself, but digital marketing or SEO expert will tell you that there are some key features of website optimization, and one of those key features is not only the design but the content on the site. So, let’s look at the list of things that make up a good website design, and then you will understand why professional design is important for your website

Your website is often the first thing people see when learning about your business so you want to make a good impression. When people visit your site, what they see in the first few seconds can mean the difference between leaving a site and bookmarking it. What makes a great website design and what makes it bad? There are many different aspects that help to make a great website design. Some aspects of a site that are considered good depend on the point of view, such as the format and graphics used on the site. Appearance is only a small part of what makes a good site, and additional factors such as load speed, mobile friendly, navigation layout, flow of content, usability and structure etc play an important part to make a great website.

1. Site Content and Purpose

If you want or have already created a site with the help of web development services, what is the purpose of your site and what do you want to achieve? Before you start or continue your site, you need to define goals and how you want visitors to your site to benefit. The content of your site should always be up to date and reflect the main purpose of your site. If your site aims to sell computers, then you obviously don’t want to write about tire changes.

Your site must meet the needs of users. Simple clear intentions on all pages will help the user in their proposed conversations. What is the purpose of your site? Does it provide practical information such as “how to drive”? Is it an entertainment site like sports coverage, or are you selling a product to a user? A site can have many different goals, but there are basic goals that are common to all sites;

  1. Describing Expertise
  2. Branding of Business
  3. Generating Leads
  4. Sales and After Care

2. Appearance

The color used and the color evokes an emotional reaction that can be used to make people feel different when buying. Different colors evoke different emotions. Color psychology has been proven over time and is used by professional web designers to address users’ various messages. A great design should never be complicated or confusing, and the web design should reflect the business and service or product you offer.

3. Load Time

Visitors will be lost while waiting for the site to load. Nearly half of web visitors expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and may leave a site that doesn’t load in 3 seconds. Optimizing image sizes of great website will help your site load faster.

4. Mobile Friendly

More people are using their smart phones or other devices to browse the web. It is important to consider creating a site with a responsive design, as the site can be changed on different screens.

5. Ease of use

The site should be easy to use and intuitive, and navigation should be easily accessible on every page of your site. You don’t have to click more than 4 times to visit a particular page, and the general rule is that you should be taken to any page on your site with two or fewer clicks. The sophisticated navigation structure will quickly deceive your visitors, and they will quickly bounce if they can’t find what they’re looking for in web development.

6. Site structure

This aspect may not be seen by visitors, but it is important for a good site owner. Your site is based on coding and programming architecture. Stable sites must be open to plug-ins in all browsers, all screen sizes, all operating systems. If your site is not compatible with different systems, you may lose a large number of potential customers.

7. Web Hosting

A service provider or web site hosting services are also very important for a good website. Your host should have a great uptime (99.9% +) and a high transfer rate. When was the last time you came across a site that took more than a minute to load?

8. SEO Optimized Site

A good site should promote at least one good SEO practice and rank well among the major search engines.

9. Site Navigation.

Navigation is important in website. Any website page on your site should be three clicks away from any other page on your site. Navigation should be smooth and simple. It helps to navigate both SEO and Google for your visitors.

10. Make it useful

Make your site rich with information about the products and services you sell. No matter what you are selling, be sure to grab the reader’s attention by providing accurate information, rather than very long articles that take a lot of time to read. Professional and great website design in all aspects ensures that you get repeat visitors, good search engine rankings, and more credibility. Everyone in the Internet industry needs credibility, and that is difficult to achieve. In short, a good site should be great in form and performance. That should be a clear goal. It should be visually pleasing and easy to navigate. It should work well for a wide audience and be technically stable and secure. Good sites are attractive, functional, and useful.

Get Services of San Diego Web Design Firm To Design Great Website

Today in highly competitive digital marketing your website can be viewed as a business brochure or virtual storefront depending on the type of business you have.  The types of websites can flourish if you truly understand the importance of the well designed, functioning site that promotes your products or services and helps brand your company.

By keeping your website up to date and looking sharp will get the attentions of visitors and they will perceive your business as trustworthy and professional. They will be more likely to buy your products and recommend your company to others

If you are looking for a web design company that can breathe life into your website and develop your branding than look no further than Local Dudes Marketing. I recommend getting in touch with this San Diego web design Agency and see what they have to offer.

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