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Understanding KPIs

Description: How do you measure your business’s success? Many businesses use KPIs to measure their performance and as a result, the success or failure of their endeavours.

How to measure KPIs

Undoubtedly, when it comes to your businesses and the projects that you take on, it all boils down to success. This means that you need to know what you are looking to achieve and what steps you are planning to take to do so. The guideline needed to perform this is referred to as key performance indicators (KPIs). Simply put, these steps will become goals or achievements that need to be completed during the project. Failure to do so will have consequences.

Your KPI can therefore be seen as your roadmap, giving you an idea of the progress that you are looking to make within that time. It will also record any difficulties and failures along the way.

Reasons to use KPIs

Most people and businesses will have processes to measure success, although they can become complex and difficult to understand. To provide a simple, high-level overview, KPIs may be implemented. This simple, easy-to-understand framework will have your team and client in the same way when it comes to project progress. An example of a KPI would be to have the landing page of a new website completed by a certain date to present to the client.

This information can then be compared to the project plan to see if you are on the right track. If there are any issues with project progress, you will be able to see where the hold-up is and address it. In a perfect world, you will be looking to exceed your client’s expectations and annihilate any deadlines. This can also refer to budgets and estimated costs, time spent on the project as well as processes followed throughout. You need to have benchmarks or goals to work towards.

It is worth mentioning that this information can be both positive and negative but can be equally beneficial to your business. It can force you to rethink your way of doing things, eliminate unnecessary tasks and even find ways to automate mundane tasks.

KPIs can and will more than likely change throughout the project. Your business’s ability to adapt to these changes can make or break your project. By adapting to change, you can improve internal processes while streamlining your workflow. It is a win-win, just like when you register right here.

Implementing a system to manage KPIs

While KPIs are set out by team leaders, they are subject to change. Your project goals and objectives, as well as business goals and objectives, all need to be aligned with your KPIs. A good project management system will offer you the platform to actively record project activity and share the data in an easy-to-understand manner. Consider your KPIs a checklist that can be applied to so many areas of your business. It is a simple way of ensuring objectives are met, victories recorded, and failures used as learning opportunities.

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