lang="en-US" prefix="og:" class="no-js no-svg"> What are The IGCSE Schools in and around OMR Chennai? – Among Which One is The Best IGCSE Schools In Chennai 2022-2023? - Antthemes

What are The IGCSE Schools in and around OMR Chennai? – Among Which One is The Best IGCSE Schools In Chennai 2022-2023?

IGCSE schools rule the roost with regard to schools in Chennai. These schools are liked for their high standards of academic greatness combined with excellent student support administrations. Here we are going to discuss the IGCSE schools in and around OMR Chennai. After that, we have the best IGCSE schools in Chennai among those schools listed below,

According to the people’s ratings, here are the IGCSE Schools in and around OMR Chennai,

1) Campus K – The Next Generation International Schools in Sholinganallur

2) Gateway The Complete School

3) APL Global School

4) KC High International School

5) The British International School Chennai

From, the above-listed IGCSE schools in and around OMR Chennai, Campus K is one of the best IGCSE schools in Chennai located at Sholinganallur which has a public rating of 4.7. Let’s discuss more briefly about the Campus k curriculum, Course, and much more for being the best IGCSE school in Chennai among those many schools.

Campus k – The Next Generation IGCSE School

Campus K is a K-12 progressive school that is effectively utilizing advancement to drive the quest for information. Acquiring old insight with the resourcefulness of innovation and the skill of academicians and kid improvement psychologists, Campus K gives an instructive environment that cultivates the up-and-coming age of pioneers.

The Campus K edge gives the understudies a move forward by defeating the difficulties presented by customary organizations of controlled education. campus K follows the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) board, generally known as IGCSE, alongside the standards spread out

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by Project Based Learning and Personalized Learning Plans to guarantee that each understudy flourishes as well as could be expected.

Why Should We Consider Campus K?

At Campus K, they comprehend the changing requirements of schooling in the 21st century and assume the test of recognizing every student’s remarkable potential to make them elite pioneers and innovators. Their learning spaces, educational program, innovation, and authoritative construction are explicitly intended to help this vision of our own. The three center mainstays of Campus K are –

  • Personalized Learning Plans (PLP)
  • Flexible Learning Spaces
  • Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Personalized Learning Plans (PLP)

At Campus K, they accept that every kid is exceptional and learns in their own unmistakable manner. They are enlivened by the directing way of thinking of ‘Customized Learning’ for future pioneers. Personalization helps address every student as a singular student.

By personalization, they make a modified and extraordinary learning plan for every student in view of their learning styles, advancing necessities, learning pace, enthusiasm, and interests. This degree of personalization permits a youngster to approach what they need when they need it.

Flexible Learning Spaces

Campus K is worked around an exceptional floor plan that backings and empowers changed styles of instructing (to a huge gathering, too few gatherings, group instructing, coordinated education, Socratic workshops) and fluctuated kinds of learning (self-study, project-based, blended age learning, and so forth.).

Campus K is the best IGCSE school in Chennai to have this sort of engineering where educational programs and learning spaces are lined up with one another.

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) rouses students to associate their learning in the homeroom with its applications in reality.

Students are participated in investigating and tackling a certifiable issue, show up at an answer utilizing proof to help their case, and present the arrangement by fostering a public item or show for a genuine crowd.

Students’ Life in Campus K

The student is dependably at the Centre of all that they do at Campus K. The whole framework works as one to guarantee that each kid flourishes and draws nearer to embracing their actual purpose in life.

The educational plan is advanced with interesting projects that offer the youngster a feeding climate of advancing across disciplines. The foundation of its prosperity is Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Personalized Learning Plans (PLP).


Programs At Campus K

Their best and creative systems are organized to foster the student’s capacity to convey, use rationale and thinking to dissect and team up really. Displayed as undertakings, these exercises are outlined to offer clever and significant information to students on important subjects. At Campus K they carry out the Project-Based Learning (PBL) process. Each student adds to guarantee the student gets all-encompassing training to foster their general abilities and be prepared to confront genuine difficulties.

Campus K is one of the leading IGCSE schools in Chennai offering a unique program that is beneficial to the students. Some of the programs are kPlay, KDiscover, and KLead.

kPlay is an educational plan program for students between the period of 2.5 to 7.5 and is carried out to establish the groundwork for them to become elite experts and pioneers. kPlay is a student-driven scholarly program planned by experienced teachers, kid clinicians, and school heads of moderate schools to assist students with creating interactive abilities and accomplishing a mental toughness in life. The kPlay program is for students from Preschool to Grade II and gives small children the audacious opportunity to envision, investigate and explore through play. It helps protect and sustain their inalienable interest to investigate and figure out their general surroundings.


kPlay programs make progress toward building self-assurance and autonomy in students by giving them the opportunity to rehearse on projects that include drive and obligation. Every task is loaded up with multi-tangible, certifiable encounters which assist them with priceless bits of knowledge in life. Their agile personalities likewise helped various dialects to use their regular inclinations to adjust and learn new dialects without any problem.

The kDiscover program is based on the methodology where each student ‘figures out how to learn’. Aside from scholastics, the program additionally helps a student’s drive, enthusiasm, inventiveness, sympathy, and versatility by going past the course readings and giving them viable experience. Students get the chance to make the most of advanced apparatuses to create excellent cooperative items.

 kDiscover is an educational plan program for students between the time of 7.5 to 12.5. This program assists students with finding their energy and becoming top-notch experts and pioneers in their picked field.


The kDiscover program outfits the embodiment of 21st-century schooling by presenting students with genuine activities, empowering them to find information in different areas and in this manner encouraging them to pick and seek after their extreme enthusiasm.

The kLead program is for students who have effectively finished the KDiscover program. It is intended to assist them with getting ready for their vocation across 18 unique fields. The kLead program is for students who have effectively finished the kDiscover programs. It is intended to assist them with getting ready for their vocations across 18 unique fields.


All students are supposed to have the underneath ranges of abilities to fit the bill for the KLead Program –

  • Greatness in autonomous perusing and understanding capacities
  • The capacity to sort out and perform assignments freely
  • Self-inspiration and energy
  • Capacity to advance astutely at own speed
  • Openness to different computerized apparatuses (Computers, Applications, and so on.)

The student’s learning pathway is chosen and concluded post an intensive audit in view of the student’s very own advantages, assets, and shortcomings from a scholarly and social setting. When the learning pathway is settled in a joint effort with the student with key contributions from their folks and the school’s scholarly group, the student chooses a rundown of courses, undertakings, and entry-level positions to set upon an expert profession.

Campus k’s Personalization

At Campus K, they accept that every child is remarkable and learns in their own particular manner. They are motivated by the directing way of thinking of ‘Customized Learning’ for future pioneers.

They do it through Personalized Learning Plans (PLP) which target grasping the youngster, defining objectives, and keeping tabs on their development through perceptions and evaluations. They are implemented this PLP for focusing on the three major assets,

  • Understanding the Child

Each student is novel and has various necessities. The student’s capability various not entirely set in stone through a gauge test and connection with facilitators. The advancement is continually refreshed and dissected to show up as an outline of the student’s assets and enthusiasm.

  • Goal Setting

In view of the underlying comprehension of the student, yearly objectives are set for various abilities, which are then switched over completely to noteworthy every other week objectives and undertakings. These errands are executed through coordinated meetings, modified growth opportunities, and suggestions to guardians. This approach empowers the student, facilitator, and parent to synchronize their efforts which offers priceless advantages to the student.

  • Observation and Assessments

The observation stock and assessments given through the PLP program guarantee that the facilitators precisely decide the student’s advancement across each section. Different medicinal measures are then prescribed to empower, rouse or propel the student’s ability levels.

Campus K Admission and Contact Info

For their Admission, the first step begins with an online application, or you can visit their school to better understand the process and the facilities. You may begin your first steps toward admission with their online appointment form by visiting their campus k website. For more information, you can also contact them with the help of their website contact page.

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