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The Designer’s Guide to Publishing WordPress Websites On Your Own

For years, web designers had to rely on developers and other technical partners to get web projects off the ground. Anyone in the web agency had the authority to strike out a design decision, and doing so became commonplace.

Now things are different. New tools and simplified processes allow designers to handle every aspect of the website building experience. With the right approach, you can operate as an agency all on your own.

This means you can take on web projects directly. Not only will you earn more, but you’ll enjoy the freedom and independence to make your own design decisions.

To do this, you’ll have to optimize the first three steps of your web projects. That means choosing: 

  • A professional zero-code website builder
  • A domain name for each project.
  • A website host you can rely on.

If you have experience working in an agency environment, you know that addressing these steps individually can be a costly, confusing process. It almost always involves a complicated back-and-forth dialogue between the agency, the client, and other project stakeholders.

In order to take on projects and finish them efficiently, you’ll need to streamline these steps as much as possible. The faster you finish this process, the more time you can dedicate to what you do best.

Elementor is the most popular WordPress website builder on the market. In addition to its intuitive, code-free page editor, it provides hassle-free managed cloud hosting in a simple, all-in-one solution ideal for ambitious web designers – Elementor Cloud Website.

What is an Elementor Cloud website?

With Elementor Cloud Website, you can skip the complex process of finding a third party hosting provider, configuring your own server, and installing WordPress. It lets you dive right into your web project, with pre-installed open source software on a built-in hosting platform.

This can save you a significant amount of time, especially when starting out on your own. Elementor Cloud Website enables a seamless web creation experience, saving valuable hours you would otherwise spend on time-consuming technical tasks.

Instead of negotiating with third party hosting platforms, you have a compatible, well-optimized one right at your disposal. Instead of installing WordPress and searching for compatible plugins, you have industry-leading technology pre-installed on your domain. 

Elementor Cloud Website is the perfect plug-and-play experience, and it comes at an appealing price point for web entrepreneurs. Unlike expensive dedicated hosting plans, Elementor’s managed cloud hosting service gives you exactly what you pay for. The fixed price subscription contains no hidden fees, making it a scalable solution ideal for any growth-oriented web design business.

Make web creation easier and more secure with Elementor Cloud Website

With WordPress as your content management system and Elementor Pro as your web page builder, you can immediately get started creating high quality professional websites. Each site comes with the versatile Hello Theme pre-installed, giving you maximum flexibility over the design decisions you implement in the web creation process.

As a web creator, you can customize any aspect of your website to meet your needs. Elementor Pro gives you access to a wide range of valuable tools that simplify the process of building and publishing comprehensive web experiences for clients.

Just as importantly, Elementor Cloud Website natively connects to your domain. You have complete control over your online presence and can even export your website if you wish to change services later on. These features are available at no extra cost.

Elementor Cloud Website relies on best-in-class hosting infrastructure provided by the Google Cloud Platform. It comes with free Cloudflare SSL certification, providing modern encryption to protect internet traffic on your site. Your website has 20 GB of storage and up to 100 GB of bandwidth – it can support 100,000 monthly visits from the very start.

Daily backups offer even greater security benefits to Elementor Cloud Website creators. If anything happens to your website, you can roll back to a secure backup made in the last 24 hours. You can also create manual backups at specified points – like right before downloading a major update or installing a new plugin.

Elementor Cloud Website: Key features

With WordPress, Elementor, and the Hello Theme pre-installed, web designers have a wide array of tools available. All of Elementor Pro’s most valuable features are included:

  • Elementor’s code-free drag-and-drop live editor.
  • 300+ professionally designed website templates.
  • 60+ Full Site Kits containing complete backend functionality.
  • 100+ widgets for individual operations like building forms, popups, or e-commerce stores.

Your website can live on a free Elementor subdomain (, or you can connect your own domain at no additional cost. You have 24/7 access to Elementor’s customer success team, who will help you with web hosting and web creation tasks with an average resolution time of less than 24 hours.

Optimize website performance with Elementor’s content delivery network

Web designers with agency experience know that website performance is everything for today’s demanding clients. Even the best-designed website will fail to impress if it loads slowly or fails to respond to user interactions.

Elementor’s solution to this problem is the same one that major hosting providers use. While the company’s main cloud-based servers are located in Belgium, it also has a network of cloud servers and data centers located throughout the world. Your Elementor Cloud Website is hosted on a CDN spread across multiple geographic locations, and website traffic is automatically redirected to the closest available one.

This guarantees rapid performance for website users everywhere in the world, without requiring you to take on the difficult task of configuring CDN technology yourself.

Elementor’s CDN also provides additional security and business continuity benefits. If your website doesn’t load properly from one server, we automatically reroute it to the next available one. This kind of redundancy is the best way to guarantee reliable website performance.

Start building your Elementor Cloud WEbsite

Streamline your website creation process and start taking on more projects. Elementor Cloud Website removes the technical barriers preventing you from offering clients a best-in-class web experience. Complete your projects quickly and deliver better outcomes with Elementor Cloud Website – available for a fixed price of US $99 per year.

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