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DLP TV Advantages and Disadvantages

The ongoing debate over which TV is best can cause consumers headaches. Here is a breakdown of the DLP television.

DLP televisions are rear-projection units. This means they filter light through a color wheel to create pictures and project them onto the screen. DLP technology is usually used for projectors rather than televisions, but with its economic upfront cost, DLP TVs have become increasingly popular.

Think of the DLP TV as the college student’s low-budget option to the high definition television.

Cost for a DLP TV

While the upfront cost for a DLP television is much cheaper than LCD and Plasma TVs, it can be a big energy waster, meaning higher cost in energy consumption. In addition, the projection bulb has limited durability of about 10,000 hours or so. Keep in mind, that’s on average.

The life of the bulb could expire even before that. Though 10,000 hours isn’t a short span, replacing the bulb of a DLP TV is fairly expensive, typically running the consumer about $200 for a replacement.


  1. They work well in bright rooms and with any tv aerial installation.
  2. They have extremely deep black levels, even more so than LCD and Plasma TVs. This means there is almost no gray in black colors.
  3. They have pretty good brightness.
  4. DLPs are usually compatible with most computer hookups and work well as a computer monitor. Though, LCD TVs work even better for that purpose.
  5. Cheap upfront cost.


  1. There can sometimes be a “rainbow effect” with fast-action sequences. When an image on a DLP screen moves too quickly, the viewer can sometimes see a trail of colors.
  2. Like LCDs, the viewing angle of a DLP TV is limited, especially the vertical viewing angle. This means that viewers often need to watch the screen at eye level for the best picture.
  3. Limited durability on the light bulb, and high energy eater.
  4. Color accuracy is worse than Plasma and LCD TVs.

Intended Use

In order to determine which high definition television is best, one needs to determine its primary uses.

LCD TVs work best for video gamers or those who intend to use the product both as a television and a computer monitor. Also, if the room the television is going into doesn’t have a lot of space for a larger component, like a DLP TV, and has a window on the opposite side of the room, which will make for glare from the sun, then LCD is the best option. A disadvantage of Plasma TVs is that it reflects glare. LCDs also work amazingly with TV Aerial.

Plasma TVs work best for movie watchers. Also, as Plasmas are still cheaper than LCD TVs, the consumer tends to get the best bang for the buck. However, LCDs are rapidly catching up in size and cost, and Plasma TVs seem to be decreasing in popularity.

DLP TVs are clearly the lesser product of the three. However, for those with limited budgets, DLP TVs are an excellent option.

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