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Cloud Computing Security Explained

The world has become a hyperconnected network, bringing with it security concerns. How can we improve cloud computing security in an online world?

Managing Cloud Computing Security Risks

Cloud computing has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives, whether we choose to admit it or not. All of the digital services you access and use every day store your important personal data. Most of these services use cloud-based systems to operate, but do you know how secure they really are?

Everything you use from your email account to your banking app and even your favourite online retailer uses online services to remain operational. We trust invisible servers with some of our most sensitive data, is this really in our best interest?

Cloud systems are becoming standard practice

In recent times, IT businesses have begun the process of increasing their cloud storage, so much so that Snow Software found that it has been increased by a further 82 percent, with 60 percent of these leaders saying that this trend will continue. The unfortunate side of this is that while many businesses are increasing their cloud storage, they are not increasing the security necessary to protect this data.

Gartner further supports this claim by stating that business spending is not growing at the same rate at which they are adopting new technology. This puts so many businesses at risk of security breaches.

So, is it worth it?

This is the million-dollar question. Should we be implementing new technologies blindly without considering potential security implications, or should we slow down our adoption of new technologies until we can afford to boost our security efforts alongside it? While relevance in the digital age is important, we should not be doing it at the expense of our business. We cannot be successful if we are leaving room for security breaches to take place, the process of digital transformation needs to grow alongside our security measures.

It is worth noting that migrating to cloud will not result in an immediate security threat, nor will it change your business overnight. This is an ongoing process that can reduce overhead costs while mitigating the risks associated with physical data sources. You can also use this technology to automate business processes.

Knowing what to look for in a cloud provider

When it comes to implementing cloud security, three components need to be included and include security, segmented applications, and central data security cent Just because you have moved to a digital space doesn’t mean that you need to slack on security.

The same effort and dedication that went into managing your physical servers and data sources need to go into maintaining your digital versions. In the same breath, you need to be flexible in your approach and be willing to change should the need arise to ensure you have the best odds online of staying safe.

It’s about finding balance

When you make the crossover from physical to digital, you want to ensure that the process is seamless. You need to have policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety of important company data.

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