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Internet of Things and its Applications in Healthcare

In recent times, the world is getting aware of many new forms of diseases and viruses that our ancestors had never witnessed. The rise of chronic diseases and health complications converged with the complexities of the healthcare industry has led Healthcare and medical services to be costlier than ever.

As time passes and we move ahead towards a more digital world, basic healthcare facilities might become out of reach for a weighty population struggling to move their living standards above the poverty line. With increasing prices in healthcare services and accumulating diseases, a large populace is on the verge of becoming unproductive due to the old age and intensification of chronic diseases.

With such murky and fast-changing technological moves, we aren’t sure either technology can help abolish aging problems and chronic diseases or not. But, we can surely state that with the help of IoT healthcare assistance, and healthcare mobile app development, we can make it to the point where healthcare facilities become easily accessible for a total of 45.12% of the world’s population using smartphones.  The number is progressively increasing and is supposed to reach 3.8 billion people in 2021, and so for the coming years. Integrating healthcare services into mobile apps can potentially create mobile healthcare facilities to almost half of the world’s population. IoT enabled mobile healthcare apps can make it a lot easier for both the doctors and the patient to provide and receive healthcare services.


What Does the Internet of Things/Healthcare Devices Do?

The Internet of Health care devices makes clinical research, laboratory management, hospital management, and healthcare management, both smart and autonomous. It does not, however, similar to teaching human values to the machine. It is rather a completely automated hospital management system and electronic medical records by the standardized health care IOT in the closed-loop with the technical delivery system that enables the formation of Digital Hospitals. Such systems require Machine to Human, Machine to Machine, Machine to network, or Coordinating system can be the channels for the flow of information.

However, there is a strong need for unified communication through proper support network structures to make the system robust. Context-aware that medical applications need coordination of multiple types of audio, video, discrete, or analog data from multiple medical devices and data stores.

The entire medical IoT platform needs to be built on strong middleware, back end database, modeling, mapping, data aggregation for different medical devices data coordination, real-time and batch medical analytics algorithms, and security measures. The technology drives behind this new model offer ways for new avenues in software development.

Applications of IoT in Healthcare

IoT has brought a bright sign in many industries due to its scope and application in different sectors. It has several applications in the Healthcare industry, making it better for human wellness.

  • IoT in healthcare can contribute to reducing long waiting times in emergency and OPDs.
  • It helps to track information related to patients, staff, and inventory
  • It can contribute to enhancing drug management
  • IoT can also ensure the availability of critical equipment in the hospital.

The integration of the internet into medical equipment and devices has also made the lives of patients easy and comfortable.  Medical wearables include the following devices.


Modern hearing aids with the capability of connecting interest to them have completely transformed the way people suffered hearing loss used to connect with the world. Modern tech has introduced hearables, which are Bluetooth enabled and can be connected and synced with a smartphone via a mobile app. It enables the user to modify their device features by filtering, equalizing, and adding layer features to the sounds. A popular example is Doppler Labs hearing aids.


Computer Vision Technology

Computer vision technology, along with Artificial Intelligent, has given upsurge to drone technology, which intends to copy human visual perception and hence improve decision making constructed on it.

An example of using computer vision technology can be seen by Drones like Skydio, who use it to detect obstacles around them and to navigate efficiently. The technology is also used for visually impaired people to navigate efficiently.


Ingestible Sensors

Ingestible sensors are genuinely a modern-science marvel. These are small-sized sensors that analyze the medication in the human body and warns if it detects any irregularities in the body.

These sensors can also benefit diabetic patients as it might help in noticing symptoms and provide a timely warning for diseases. A popular example counts Proteus Digital Health.



Moodables are mood-enhancing devices that help in making our mood better throughout the day. Giving a feel of science fiction, it is no far from reality.

Thync and Halo Neurosciences are working on it and have made noticeable progress. Moodables are head-mounted healthcare IoT devices or wearables that transfer low-intensity current to the brain resulting in the elevation of our mood.


Healthcare Charting

Another great benefit of IoT devices is that they reduce a lot of manual work, which otherwise a doctor needs to perform during patient charting. Healthcare charting is driven by voice commands, and it collects the patient’s data. Moreover, it prepares the patient’s data and makes it readily accessible for reviews. It saves much of doctors and thus increases their productivity in less time.


IoT is changing the way the facilities are delivered in different sectors of life. Whether it be home automation, manufacturing industries, architecture, or healthcare, IoT is improving the way facilities are being delivered. The use of IoT in healthcare assistance via mobile apps can make it easier for a lot of smartphone users to access health and medical facilities easily. Moreover, the integration of IoT in the healthcare system can improve the lives of many patients by improving the way they used to receive healthcare facilities without IoT integration. Therefore, it is beneficial for human wellness that professional software development companies in dallas, healthcare equipment manufacturing companies, and mobile app development companies work in collaboration to help people facilitate modern healthcare needs.

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