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website for small business

The importance of website for small businesses

There are surprisingly few small businesses that have websites. No matter how little or big your company may be, having a website is very essential for your business exposure and marketing in this modern era of technology. Reasons small business...

Supply Chain Management in Ford, Toyota and HP

Supply chain management at Ford, Toyota, HP, and Dell is unique. Industries and companies work to perfect their supply chain models learning from each other supply chain and automotive case studies. Supply chain management is an integral part of...

3 Ways to Effective Customer Service Delivery

Effective customer service delivery occurs when the 5 business tiers and service channel tiers are well understood and calibrated. Organizations with the help of operations consulting, regularly redefine customer service to maintain their...

Should a Supply Chain be Efficient or Responsive?

Sometimes emphasizing efficiency in a supply chain can lead a company too weak performance A recent visit with a medium-sized, but very fast-growing manufacturing firm in its industry has confirmed some earlier suspicions about some of the effects...

Start a Successful Small Business

Seeking out, and acting upon sound business advice, reduces the risk of early failure, and helps to ensure that starting a small business will be a rewarding experience. People start-up small business enterprises for a wide variety of reasons and...