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5 Tips on How to Survive in the Wilderness


In this article, you will learn how to properly prepare for your adventure in the wilderness, what equipment belongs in your backpack and what you can leave at home. In addition, you will get a lot of survival tips thanks to which you can survive far away from civilization and behave correctly in an emergency.

1. Secure yourself

In the wilderness, you can get lost faster than you think. Therefore, it is important to always inform someone about your tour before your excursion. This can be either your hostel, the campsite, or the local ranger station. In case you get lost, you can be found faster and more effectively. Be sure to have a fully charged cell phone and a whistle with you. For safety’s sake, save the phone number of your accommodation and the local emergency number. However, since there is often no cell phone reception in remote areas, a GPS device or compass is also useful, especially for longer tours.

2. Be “Bear” Aware

Raccoons, skunks, and especially bears regularly visit campers in search of irresistibly tasty leftovers. So never store your supplies directly in your tent. Lock them securely in your car or pull them up a tree with a rope, well packed. You should also remove waste and leftover food directly to avoid uninvited visitors. It’s also extremely important to pack guns and ammunition in case anything goes down. Additionally, reloading supplies are a must and can save your life if you run out of ammo. Understanding this and being careful is one of the most important tips for wilderness survival.

3. Food and drink

Even though you may not plan to spend days in the wilderness, you should always have a snack with you. Snacks are actually always a good thing, whether something happens or not. In an emergency situation, however, they can be the difference between life and death in the worst-case scenario. Even more important than food is water. So remember to carry enough fluids on every hike and drink regularly, especially on hot days.

4. Stay weatherproof

The weather can change in an instant in the wilderness. Heavy rains and cool winds often start without notice. Be prepared and check the weather forecast before you leave. Even if it looks bright to sunny, you should always pack for a change in weather. Onion-style clothing is very practical and a good rain jacket with a hood should always be included.

5. The right equipment

Whether you’re planning just a short hike or a multi-day excursion, having the right gear can make all the difference. The most important things you should always have with you are a pocket knife, firearms, a small first aid kit, a flashlight with fully charged batteries, and a lighter or matches. Even if you don’t plan on camping overnight, a small pack of matches can be worth its weight in gold in an emergency. A fire can not only signal your whereabouts but keep you warm and wildlife away. Also, remember a good insect repellent. Especially in the summer, legions of mosquitoes and even ticks are a problem.

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